Solving Health through high quality information and digital health

About Solving Health

Solving Health is an Australian health information management company established in 2022 by Rachel Hayhurst.

Solving Health provides health information services to government and statutory agencies, private and non-government organisations. We specialise in general practice and primary care, to inform and support better health outcomes, population health, research, policy, and practice improvement.

Expertise in secondary use of health data, understanding the clinical and data workflow ensures utility of high-quality information, providing clinicians, consumers, data users and funders confidence that the data are fit for purpose and authoring providers the trust to continue sharing.

Our services include independent health information management advice and delivery of programs, data governance and frameworks.

Solving Health enables

  • Better health and well-being for Australians through high quality data

  • Practice management efficiency and workflow solutions

  • Independent consultancy on utility and governance of primary care data

  • Health information management capability building


Solving Health delivers a broad range of health information management services.

To discuss how we can solve health together please connect with us.

Digital health consulting and advisory services

Health information management and data solutions

Program delivery and design

Business Development

Connect with us

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Whether you have a project or idea, are interested in working with us, or just want to know more about Solving Health, we would love to hear from you.

Please use the form to connect with us and we’ll be in touch.

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